21 October 2024
Well, another try to start a small personal homepage but perhaps this time i can keep
up with... well... keeping it up :-}
I today finally killed of all social media i had still running - yes, even the fediverse. Why?
Well, it somehow seems that you are only ONE wrong post away from being harassed, deplatformed,
reported or in some other way put in the doghouse. If you, dear reader don't like what i write:
Well, you have absolutely the freedom to just leave the page and never come back, but, of course,
i hope this will not be the case.
I get it, with the alt-right growing ever stronger in nearly every country on this planet and just won rights for vulnerable groups in danger i can understand WHY many people are currentlu a bit "trigger happy", but i don't have to like it.
So, just to have put it out there: Please, if i write something you disagree with - please just drop me a mail, there is a big chance that i may have phrased something wrong as english is not my native tongue and even if i wrote intentionally what may have upset you - perhaps you can convince me otherwise or we part while agreeing to disagree.
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